Sunday, June 29, 2008

"Ochi Chernye, I have no mon-ya for my hon-ya which is no fun-ya."

Yesterday my grandpa was singing a Russian song called "Ochi Chernye" which means "Dark Eyes." The other day he was lifting weights to Tchaikovsky's organ music.

I think he has very good taste in music.

Grandpa made some new lyrics to "Ochi Chernye" though.

"Ochi Chernye, I have no mon-ya for my hon-ya which is no fun-ya...Ochi Chernye..."

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I got my smile, and it's my smile.

I love her strong, solid face and her strong, solid voice.

"Ain't Got No / I Got Life" performed in Harlem, 1969

I got life, I've got life's
I've got headaches
And toothaches
And bad times too
Like you
- Nina Simone

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Educated for the skies.

"Think of God working in the solitary things, for the grass does not merely grow around our populous cities, and where men take care of it, but up there on the side of the bleak Alp, where no traveller has ever passed. Where only the eye of the wild bird has beheld their lonely verdure, the moss and the grass come to perfection, and display all their beauty, for God's works are fair to other eyes than those of mortals. And you, solitary child of God, dwelling far away from any friend, unknown and obscure, in a remote hamlet; or you in the midst of London, hiding away in your little garret, unknown to fame, and forsaken by friendship, you are not forgotten by the love of heaven. He maketh the grass to grow all alone, and shall not he make you flourish in loneliness? He can bring forth your graces, and educate you for the skies, in solitude and neglect."

- Charles Spurgeon, "Solitary Saints"

in each sister and brother

If God comes down to earth through [the] Son made flesh, then we ascend toward heaven through Jesus present in each sister and brother for ...